How Currencies Are Traded on the Forex Market

How Currencies Are Traded on the Forex Market

  • Jul 20, 2022

There are many different currencies that are traded on the Forex market. The most common currencies are the US dollar, the Euro, the Japanese yen, the UK’s pound sterling, and the Swiss franc. Most of the trades in 2019 took place in USD/EUR, the most popular currency pair. Other currencies, known as minor pairs, are […]

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Tips to Improve the Strategy of Insurance Renewal

When it comes to insurance renewal, a strategic approach will increase the customer retention rate by 84 percent. Regardless of how long a customer has been with a company, it’s important to maintain a relationship with them. Whether that means a once-a-year renewal notice, an annual phone call, or a combination of both, taking advantage […]

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The Basics of General Ledger Accounting

The Basics of General Ledger Accounting

  • Jun 07, 2022

The process of general ledger accounting starts with the trial balance, an important step in preparing the balance sheet and profit & loss account. The ledger is essentially a book of rules that records financial transactions for an entity. The balances in the accounts must equal each other in order for the account balances to […]

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