An Introduction to Finance

An Introduction to Finance

  • Jul 16, 2021

Finance is a broad term encompassing all matters concerning the management, development, and control of funds and investments. It includes taxation, public finance, personal and corporate finance, and mortgage, credit, and find-sell agreement financing. In simple terms, Finance deals with the ways in which money is made to achieve specific ends. While money is produced […]

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An Overview of the Different Aspects of Finance

Finance is a broad term encompassing many things about the financial management, development, and assessment of funds and investments. In particular, it deals specifically with the issues of why and how an individual, firm or governmental entity obtains the funds required for their activities, called capital within the business context. Finance can be taught and […]

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Finance – The Interpreting of Economics

Finance – The Interpreting of Economics

  • Dec 18, 2020

Finance is a broad term used to describe matters concerning the study, development, management and allocation of money. In particular, it deals specifically with the issues of how and who an individual, firm or government makes the money required through different transactions or exchanges in the market. Finance is also used to describe the processes […]

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Contemporary Finance Subtopics

Contemporary Finance Subtopics

  • Dec 02, 2020

Finance is a broad term encompassing various concepts and issues regarding the study, development, management and allocation of funds. In particular, it covers the issues of how and for whom an individual, firm or government appropriates the funds required through different transactions, such as purchases, sales, repossession, lease, borrowings, lending, and outright investment. The term […]

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Different Types of Finance

Different Types of Finance

  • Nov 26, 2020

Finance is a broad term for subjects concerning the study, development, and management of monies and other financial assets. In particular, it concerns the questions of why and how an individual, institution or governmental body acquires the funds required for its functioning or enhancement, commonly known as capital within the business context. Finance has an […]

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The Main Article in This Series on Finance

The Main Article in This Series on Finance

  • Oct 16, 2020

Finance is a broad term used to describe various things about the science, development, and management of finances and financial investments. In particular, it covers the questions of who gets the funds necessary for different activities, such as an investment or a project, how that money is used, and why an entity, business or government […]

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